Oakwood wins gold Marcom award


Oakwood have worked on the E-Annual reports for Weatherford for the last five years, continually building on the the platforms capability to reach out to a global audience. 

Weatherford are an innovative technology company, and the digital annual report is unlike any other in the oil and gas industry. The digital format is representative of a forward-thinking approach to challenges and the advanced solutions Weatherford provide to their customers. 

Amidst challenging market dynamics, the Weatherford E-Annual Report provides the opportunity to outline a clear path forward as well as acknowledge the successes achieved over the past year. 

The interactive digital format enables Weatherford to better deliver its message to an audience whose scope is wide-reaching and includes customers, investors, and Weatherford employees. When we began our digital annual report journey, Weatherford understood that getting the content and the format of the report right would help move the annual report beyond just a tool for shareholders. The 2018 annual report was a successful tool for engaging with the workforce and connecting in a more meaningful way with customers. We placed critical importance on the site experience, understanding it needed to be effective in every environment: at home, work, or in the field. 

By leveraging the digital platform and interactive letter format, we can get the right information into the hands of the right people, whether the report is accessed via desktop, phone, or tablet, and also provide links back to the corporate website for further information and lead generation.

Past reports have also been recognised by global awards and this Marcom award is a welcome addition reinforcing the strong creative and collaborative partnership we have with a dynamic Weatherford team. #brandrocketfuel


The foundation for AMCP began in 1995 as a means to honour outstanding achievement and service to the communication profession.
